Thursday, February 1, 2018


Discovery of exactly why one practices self harm isn’t as important as it is to STOP or do not START! I’ve noticed I have what I call pre-self-harm behavior, which serves as a setup or grooming self for a startup. If one sees a banana and steps on it and falls, is that a relapse OR a set up to fall/fail? People self harm over most anything or NOTHING at all. Once addicted or compulsive about it, any wrong behavior can trigger a full blown and possibly long lasting attack.

Precursors to Self Injury

As previously mentioned, self harm, injury takes many forms. I’ve become aware that some people commit financial suicide which is relative. Still others have a pattern of high risk behavior. Other  generalized methods may be not grooming our bodies as we ought or not eating properly, etc. Self and other neglect of children, pets, and environment seems to activated, enhance or enable episodes of self harm or visa versa.
SUGGESTIONS:  Dig yourself out of being buried under blame, toxic shame and guilt about your problem with self harm. Maybe you know someone else that has it and it adversely affects you as well. Join hands and share some your life and story with us to support self and other healing. Metamorphosis is a beautiful process!


And more shall be revealed…

Monday, January 29, 2018



Self-Harm and Variation
Is NO New Phenomena!


There are innumerable ways and methods of self harm! Cases and occurrences have been documented since the 15 century. Nowadays, a common form, or flagellation is sometimes practiced in public. Many religions offer methods of atonement, sometimes involving fasting, self-flagellation, and temporary separation from the community. I see this as related to martyrdom. Masochism and sadism are both about the enjoyment of pain. Masochism refers to the enjoyment of experiencing pain while sadism refers to the enjoyment of inflicting pain on someone else.


One can easily become their own judge, jury, trial and executioner and carry out real or imagined due punishment. Guilt always demands punishment. Relationship or dreaded drama triangle of Victim, Rescuer and Persecutor is common. Triangles often represent a no win situation. These dramas are at play internally from the onset and can materialize outside of us. The ultimate goal is to learn how to be free from having to play all three of these roles, or roles you may assign that add up to similar circumstance. Incredible amounts can be written about this topic! You may be able to hear what I am not saying.
You likely have input of your own. Feel free to post comments in line of service and in keeping with the 12 Step recovery paradox…
“We give it away in order to keep it.”


And more shall be revealed…


    I hope love and joy within lives anew. I’ve suffered soul-murder, rendering me askew. I was buried alive under guil...