Beginning Analysis of Urge to Self Harm
Hello, I’m Lollie, a self-harm addict.
From my perspective, the urge to self-harm is linked or co-exists with the death urge (as opposed to the life urge). Stopping or staying abstinent from the involuntary behavior of self-harming or injury is not simple or easy!
The baffeling crux of the problem is a multilayered manifestation. It presents above and beneath the surface or the conscious and subconscious mind. One sees the surface of a sea glacier that conceals a massive formation under water. The more conscious the urge is, the easier to overcome obstacles in the way of cessation from the undesirable behavior.
Understandably, the primary focus should be to stop the nuisance behavior(s) and then proceed with the why of it all. Taking or doing a thorough complete Step One including the unmanageable section. This is an imperatively good beginning leading to abstinence and will strengthen the urge to stop as well as enhance one’s life urge.
Step One: "We admitted we were powerless over physical self-harm—that
our lives had become unmanageable."
~Adapted from AA